Reconstruction of Coaptation Surface in Patients with Mitral Valve Prolapse by Using Pre-measured Gore-Tex Loops

  • #AC/VAL 02-O-4
  • Adult Cardiac Surgery/Valves. SESSION-2
  • Oral

Reconstruction of Coaptation Surface in Patients with Mitral Valve Prolapse by Using Pre-measured Gore-Tex Loops

Grigory Danilov, Ivan Scopin , Irma Tsiskaridze

A.N. Bakoulev Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery, Moscow, Russia

Date, time and location: 2018.05.26 13:30, Congress Hall, 2F–B


Objective: Assessed cooptation surface and stability results in patients after correction mitral valve prolapse, by using pre-measured gore-tex loops

Methods: 90 patients (60 male, 30 female) underwent mitral valve repair with Gore-Tex loops for severe degenerative valve incompetence. Posterior mitral leaflet prolapse was diagnosed in 20 patients, anterior leaflet prolapse - in 15 patients, both leaflet prolapse - in the remaining 55 patients. Three of these patients have the Marfan syndrome.

Results:No patient died early after the operation. Thirty-day survival was 100% and in echocardiography revealed blindness or mild mitral regurgitation in 100% of patients. Serious recurrent regurgitation was not 72 months in this series, and no systolic forward motion of the mitral valve was observed. The average length of co-adaptation among all patients was 11.06 ± 2.07 mm (10,89 ± 2,31 in long – term outcomes), the average depth of co-adaptation was 4.75 ± 2.1 mm (4,82 ± 2,17 in long – term outcomes).

When creating the Gore-Tex loops to the edge of the prolapsing posterior mitral leaflet, the posterior cooptation distance 12.8 ± 0.34 mm, and the anterior cooptation distance 16.13 ± 1.69 mm. The cooptation depth 4,82 ± 2,17 mm and lengths of the cooptation 10,89± 2,3 mm.

The non-reactive actuarial survival for 72 months in this series was 98.89% ± 0.53%.


Using pre-measured gore-tex loops allow create the best surface of coaptation and have a stable resalts in long – term outcomes in patients with mitral valve prolapse

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